
Whenever I go on a trip, I document everything.  No, seriously.  Everything.  In fact, my friends know to just walk ahead and leave me behind because I have to make sure I get every detail and every angle and try each shot like seven different ways.  They usually wait up when they're like four blocks away.  At the beginning of the trip I always say something like, "I"m so happy!  This is happening right now!  It's not a memory!"  And then when the trip ends I always say something like, "Awwww...  it ended.  I'm so happy we have our memories."

I love photography.  I love memories.  I love love.

Other things I love:  All things farmhouse, The Golden Girls, hot chocolate, nieces and nephews, sleeping in, shiplap, playing the ukulele, eating, dancing to 80's music, Sunday naps, hoarding lip glosses, live music, Mini Cooper Convertibles, The West Wing, pizza, Christmas music, Seattle, bluegrass music, old people, Lorelai and Rory, Chip and Joanna, foot rubs, Disneyland, creme brûlée, hashtags, New York City, Dolly Parton, long walks on the beach, piña coladas and the winky face emoji.